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Engineering Projects

Investigation into Lunar Habitat Technologies


This review presents past and current lunar habitat structure technologies and concepts to provide a quantitative investigation and evaluation. Challenges to the lunar environment include gravity, atmosphere, dust, meteoroids, and long lunar days. Engineering challenges such as transportation, construction, and structural adequacy are also vital to consider. Structure technologies can be broken up into 3 classifications: Class I (pre-integrated), Class II (deployable/prefabricated), and Class III (in situ resource utilization). Detailed case studies from the last 60 years of each are introduced and are evaluated using a new method based on previously established criteria. This method hopes to provide an introductory framework to assess future lunar habitat concepts. The findings from the evaluation suggest that Class I concepts are a logical starting point due to their level of understanding and development. However, Class III structures have a much higher potential for growth and operational independence. This literature review should serve as a groundwork for future advancements by encouraging standardized evaluation of lunar habitats and developing new structure concepts.

Analysis of Wooden Diaphragm using Seismic Strong Motion Instrumentation Time Histories

This paper was the final submission to my Master's research work that Professor J. Lawson, SE supervised me on. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the validity of previously derived equations to estimate deflections and periods in rigid wall- flexible diaphragm (RWFD) building systems. Period shifts during and after earthquakes are also investigated. This was done using the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program’s (CSMIP) Instrumented Building Response Analysis and 3-D Visualization System, which was developed by John A Martin and Associates (JAMA).

Culminating Masters Project

This collection of reports is the final submission for my Culminating Masters Project at Cal Poly. This project is a report to compare the CCSR building performances with different structural systems under recorded time histories. The original BRB and CSW models (both code and performance-based designs) from Projects 1 and 2 were given seven time-histories as inputs, and an additional model with Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVD) was also compared. All five structures were analyzed with linear and non-linear time history analyzes, and their maximum displacements at the roof level were noted and compared to hand calculations.

Intro to Human Spaceflight Mars Mission

This project was a study on designing a 6-month mission to Mars. The attached document outlines all the different aspects that need consideration for such a mission at a high level.


ARCE Magazine Highlight - An Expansive Point of View

Annual Architectural Engineering magazine. Article (pages 16-17) highlighting my experience participating in an internship in New York and studying abroad in Switzerland.

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